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The League of Nations came into being after the end of World War One. The League of Nation's task was simple - to ensure that war never broke out again. (The League's goals included disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation, diplomacy and improving global welfare.)

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the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war

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Q: What was the purpose of the league nations?
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What was the purpose of the League of Nations.?

the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war

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What wa the purpose of the league of nations?

the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war

What was the purpose of the fourteen point of the fourteen points?

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What was the purpose of the fourteenth point of the fourteen point?

The fourteenth point, "a general association of nations", had the purpose of preventing future wars by settling conflicts by mediation by the League of Nations.

Main purpose of the league of nations?

The League of Nations was formed on 1919.It was one of the terms agreed on the Versailles treaty.The main purpose of forming the League of Nations was to maintain the world peace and to prevent the occurrence of another world war after the first one.Also the league of nations was to enforce the terms and the punishment agreed on Germany as the causer of the first world war.

What is the purpose of the League of Five Nations?

To conduct war and diplomacy. Also, to make sure there is peace between the nations and balance in government.

What was the purpose of the league of nation's?

the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war the purpose was tp provide a forum for nations to discuss and settle their gievanceswithout having to resort to war