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Estonia joined the European Union on May 1 2004.

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Q: What was the date that Estonia joined the EU?
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Is Estonia part of USSR?

Yes, Estonia joined the EU in May 2004.

What year did Estonia accept the Euro currency?

Estonia joined the EU in 2004.

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Which country joined the eu in 2004?

Cyprus, Czech republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, slovak republic and Slovenia

What was the date when Malta joined the EU?

01May, 2004

What was the date that Latvia joined the EU?

May 1, 2004

Date that Portugal joined the EU?

1st of January 1986.

What countries where amitted into the EU in 2004?

The countries that joined the EU in 2004 were: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia

What was the date that the united kingdom joined the EU?

The United Kingdom was a founder member of the EU when it was created in 1992/3. The UK joined the EU's predecessor organisation, the European Common Market in 1973.

Can any country automatically join the eu?

Yes, they can because at first, countries joined the EU to encourage trade. This economic group, however, is becoming a loose political union. Many countries joined the EU: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

What was the date when France joined the EU?

France was an original member of the European Union and joined on July 23rd, 1952.

What were the ten countries that joined EU recently?

Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary on the 1st May 2004, the largest single expansion of the EU.