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Wine from Greece, marble, wood, luxury food, weapons from gaul, fruit, boar, iron.

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Q: What resources from conquered lands was a major contributor to Rome's economic growth?
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What is the primary impact of natural resources on the economic growth of developing nations?

An over dependence can cause slower economic development

What are some concepts related to economic growth?

Economic growth consists of many features. In some cases, smaller features work together to provide conditions for economic growth. One feature is that there needs to be a balance between import and export. Neither of these can be substantially higher than the other. Secondly, resources that are available need to be used efficiently and productively. Mismanagement of resources and over consumption may stun economic growth.

What are the factors affecting economic growth in Australia?

It depends on the land and the resources also the population

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Pine Trees

Economic growth occurs when more resources are available true or false?

True Economic growth occurs when there is an increase in the production of goods and services (GDP) of a certain period of time. With more resources available more goods or services can be produced

What is Economic growth that assures basic resources for future generations is associated with human development?

Economic growth that assures basic resources for the future is associated with sustainable human development. This type of development meets current needs without compromising the future.

What impact do natural resources have on economic growth?

to sit on a bench with a hobo who doesn't have teeth and is married to a box.

What are the Positive effects of economic growth?

infrastructure development,positive externalities and non-exhaustion of natural resources

What is necessary for economic growth?

the first and formost aspect in economic growth is human resource we will do more investment in human capital by investing particularly in education and health, we ll get more growth in our develop the human resources is most important