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Q: What organization was rizal affiliated?
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What does affiliated bank mean?

If an organization is affiliated with another larger organization, it is officially connected with the larger organization or is a member of it. As in affiliated bank.

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What was the organization founded by Dr. Jose Rizal?

Dr. Jose Rizal founded the civic organization called La Liga Filipina.

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What is the first organization joined by Jose Rizal in Europe?

Which term describes an organization that is not affiliated with a government and works for a cause?

Non-Governmental Organization

What political party or organization was Barbara Jordan affiliated with?

She was a Democrat.

Which of Flowing best describes the Organization you are currently affiliated?

Well, Answer # is what describes me!

What is the name of the first civic organization that Jose rizal founded?

The first civic organization founded by Jose Rizal was named La Liga Filipina. The organization supported social reforms through legal means but was disbanded by the governor anyway.

What is the first civic organization that Jose Rizal founded?

Jose Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina in 1892. It was the first civic organization in the Philippines that attempted to create government reform peacefully.

What organization is Scott Rasmussen affiliated with?

The Waterstone Group Employment Administration Services LLC

What organization were the 911 hijackers?

All 19 were from Saudi Arabia and affiliated with Al Queda.

First civil organization of Jose rizal?

La Liga Filipina