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Q: What nation did not support the United nations security council resolution 660?
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Which of these nations did not support the UN Security Council Resolution 660?


What are the G4 countries?

G4 countries are a group of 4 countries comprising of India, Brazil, Japan and Germany who support each other's bid for UN security council seat. Currently there are only 4 permanent members of UN security council and G4 countries are bidding to expand it. Currently, there are 5 permanents members of UN security council( UK, USA, China, France and Russia), who is holding veto power.

Why are there permanent members on the United Nations Security Council?

The P5 members of the Security Council are the victors and largest military powers after World War II. The reason they exist is that they are the ones with the power to ensure that the demands of the UN are met. The reason, suposedly, that the veto is there is to prevent them from losing their troops over causes they can't support.

Should nations continue to support the United Nations as the primary agency of peace and security in the international community?


How was the United Nations involved in the Vietnam War?

They opposed the war effort. The war was a multilateral invasion by the US, without UN Security Council support. The United Nations was used as a spark point for protests - On the 9th of November, 1965, Catholif Worker Movement member Roger Allen LaPorte self-immolated in front of the UN HQ building in New York City. In fairness to America, the situation in the Security Council would have meant that a UNSC Resolution would have been nearly impossible.

What did New Zealand do in the Korean War?

nothing that i know of but could have helped the British troops as we are and were apart of the commonwealth - The United Nations Security Council called for combat assistance in the Korean War and New Zealand was one of the first 16 nations to respond with support. See the related link for more information.

The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance founded in 1949 was?

the council of economic assistance founded in 1949 was intended to provide financial support to African nations previously under Asian domination

What five countries became permanent members of the United nations security council?

There are five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. They are as follows:-Republic of ChinaFranceRussiaUnited KingdomUnited States

Why didn't the USSR veto the UN resolution?

In respect to the Korean War, if your not talking about THAT action, please be more specific, and I will try to answer it. The resolution was adopted mainly because the Soviet Union, a veto-wielding power, had been boycotting proceedings since January, in protest that the Republic of China (Taiwan) and not the People's Republic of China held a permanent seat on the council. President Truman had made a statement on June 27, 1950 ordering the United States air and sea forces to give the South Korean regime support. While the United Nations Security Council was convened and had been debating the issue from the invasion forward it only issued Resolution 83 on June 27 which definitively recommended member-states militarily assist the Republic of Korea. The Soviet Union's foreign minister accused the United States of starting armed intervention on behalf of the Republic of Korea before the Security Council was summoned to meet on June 27, and confronting the UN with a fait accompli.

What The UN peacekeeping missions are an example of?

UN peacekeeping missions are an example of international interventions that aim to maintain peace and security in conflict-affected regions by deploying military and civilian personnel to support local authorities. These missions operate under the authority of the United Nations Security Council and involve a range of activities, such as monitoring ceasefires, protecting civilians, and supporting the political process.

What is a managed Cyber Security solution?

A managed Cyber Security solution means that a company is responsible for the end-to-end management of cyber security well as the implementation, assessment, monitoring and resolution of potential threats. It can also include the provision of training and other support services.

The Soviet Union did not vote to defend South Korea at the UN security council because?

It is because the Soviet Union is communist and that's why they tried to support the communists in northern Korea.