What is the theme for united nation month 2009
4th july.
The main purpose of d-day was for the Allies to gain a foothold on the shore of Europe in the fight against Hitler's Nazis Germany.
The wold is round....He2x.
we need to celebrate our UN for our different countries
The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor men and women who have been injured or served in the United States armed Servces.
Well, he created the Secret Service on the day he was shot, April 14, 1865. During President Lincoln's Administration, more than a third of the nation's money was counterfeit. President Lincoln established a commission to stop this rapidly growing problem that was destroying the nation's economy, and on April 14, 1865, he created the United States Secret Service (USSS), for the main purpose of preventing the illegal production, or counterfeiting, of money.
solutions for a Prosperous world
Global Partnership for Development.
The fourth of July is known as Independence day in the United States. The United States broke free from the reign of the british that day and formed their own nation.
It's unsure of who actually founded Nation Kissing Day but it started in the United Kingdom.