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It means a greater than usual amount. Such as--> He drank an inordinate amount of beer last night.

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Q: What is the definition of inordinate?
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How do you use the word inordinate?

Inordinate means unusually high or excessive.She had an inordinate number of suitcases for a woman who was supposed to be destitute.They shut the construction site down due to the inordinate number of worker injuries.

Can you use the word inordinate in a sentence?

The student received an inordinate amount of homework over the weekend, leaving little time for extracurricular activities.

What is a sentence using the word inordinate?

Clearly, the line for the after-Christmas sale was inordinate because it wrapped all around the building.

What is the similar meaning of Avarice?

An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity., An inordinate desire for some supposed good.

What is inordinate affection?

A lust for the flesh. A desire for things in the world. Things that the flesh pulls your clean spirit to. Inordinate affection is the opposite of proper affection. Inordinate affection may manifest as lust for one that should not receive our affection, which Bible teachers may link to soul ties. Inordinate affection may also take the form of unquestioning support for one who teaches error. See "Agape" - God's Love, Versus Inordinate Affection, by John G. Lake

What is unhealthy about icing?

Icing contains an inordinate amount of sugar and fat.

Could inordinate affection be related to being gay?

No, it could not. This is an old myth.

What page is the word inordinate on in the book to kill a mockingbird?

The word "inordinate" appears on page 38 of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

What is the meaning of gargantuan?

Characteristic of Gargantua, a gigantic, wonderful personage; enormous; prodigious; inordinate.

What does inordinate mean?

Fascination means is a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual

Use the word inordinate in a sentence?

Kathleen seem to have an inordinate amount of homework to do, her mother thought. She decided to check Kathleen's work assignments. She called the school and found out Kathleen had very little homework to do. The principal figured out Kathleen's inordinate amount of time spent doing homework was a matter of Kathleen doing other kid's homework. Kathleen was earning an inordinate amount of money doing these favors for her friends. So the Principal of the school and her mother played a trick on her. They pretended to be another student who needed help with biology. They told Kathleen to bring the finished assignment to locker number167 at 8 am. Kathleen did the homework for the "person" and showed up at the locker right on time only to discover her mother and the Principal Smart were there waiting for her. She burst out into an inordinate amount of tears and flooded the hallway.

Which one doesnt match the rest of them-radical-inmost-drastic-inordinate-outrageous-extreme?
