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Q: What is it like to work for the UN?
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A book in French?

If its just a reading book then its "un livre" (pronounced un leave) but if its like a work book at school, then it's "un cahier" (pronounced un ki-yay)

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What is a supernational organization?

super national organization work as an authority of state like UN ,EU and EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK

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I want a kiss. Quieres is like "like". And un, is like a. And beso is Kiss.

Does the UN peacekeeping work?

In many cases it helps, but there are occasions when it does not work.

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Can't be sure as of now, but hopefully not if the international peace treaties and organisations like the UN work out well.

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Un- is a prefix. It usually means not.

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I like it a little- "Je l'aime un peu" you like it a little- "Tu l'aimes un peu"

Does the UN help stop genocide?

It depends on the genocide. There are some genocides, like the East Timor Genocide, that the UN did help to stop. There are some genocides, like the Rwanda Genocide, that the UN ignored. There are some genocides like the Holocaust, which occurred prior to the UN's existence.

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Comme un lion en dehors comme un agneau.