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Allied Command Pacific

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Q: What is a not a geopgraphical command of NATO?
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What US major army command is tasked with NATO support?

the u.s European command

What are the main NATO institutions?

the north Atlantic council allied command operations allied command transformation

Is Algeria member of the NATO?

Yes, but since the days of Charles de Gaulle it has been outside the unified command structure of NATO.

Which NATO prganization provides strategic command and control to the isaf mission?

Allied Command Operations (ACO) / SHAPE

Which NATO organization provides strategic command and control to the ISAF mission?

Allied Command Operations (ACO) / SHAPE

What Combatant Commands has the support of NATO as one of its missions?

U.S. European Command

How was the economic system of postwar Canada different from that postwar of Poland?

Canada, a NATO country, had a free-market economy. Poland, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a command economy.

Who must approve target audiences you intend to influence according to the NATO policies on Psychological operations and Information Operations?

Target audiences for NATO psychological operations or information operations must be approved by the NATO chain of command, in accordance with NATO policies and guidelines. This ensures that the operations are conducted in a manner consistent with NATO's principles and objectives.

Which NATO organization provides strategic commend and control to the USAF mission?

Allied Command Operations (ACO) / SHAPE

Do you automaticaly receive the NATO ribbon after a combat tour?

You receive thw NATO Service Medal when you serve on an operation as part of a NATO force. If you were in Afghanistan as part of ISAF, you would get the medal. If you were in Afghanistan, but your unit was not part of ISAF, you would not. If you did non-combat tours in Bosnia as part of IFOR or SFOR, Kosovo as part of KFOR, East Timor as part of INTERFET, etc. you would get the medal. If you were subordinate to a command other than NATO, you would not.

How were the postwar governments and alliances of Canada different from those of Poland?

Canada, a NATO country, had a free-market economy. Poland, a member of the Warsaw Pact, had a command economy.

Is Sweden part of NATO?

No. Not a part of NATO. NATO-friendly, but not a member.