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The European Union is the world's biggest trader, accounting for 20% of global imports and exports. Free trade among its members was one of the founding principles of the EU, and it is committed to liberalising world trade for the benefit of rich and poor countries alike.

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The EU started out as a trade group, and that is still its major function.

- The EU is a Customs Union, there is no customs duty when travelling between EU countries.

- The EU tries to remove so-called 'non-fiscal' barriers to trade.

>> No documentation is needed for goods crossing borders. Any tax (VAT) differences between the country of production and the country of sale are handled as part of the normal VAT returns.

>> Packing and labelling rules are all the same, so goods made in one country can be sold in other EU countries without change.

>> The Euro has been introduced to remove having different currencies as a hindrance to trade.

- Citizens of one EU country can live and work in all other EU countries.

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