IOOF is an abbreviation for Independent Order of Odd Fellows. IOFF is an acronym and a more in depth description can be looked at through Webster Dictionary.
IOOF Opera House was created in 1893.
Brooklin IOOF Hall was created in 1896.
IOOF Lodge Building was created in 1905.
IOOF Temple Building was created in 1894.
Buhl IOOF Building was created in 1919.
IOOF-Paris Fair Building was created in 1906.
Onawa IOOF Opera House was created in 1907.
Arroyo Grande IOOF Hall was created in 1902.
Stanwood IOOF Public Hall was created in 1902.
There are many different possible organizations and businesses that the acronym ICAN could stand for. This acronym could stand for the International Cesarean Awareness Network. This acronym could also stand for the Independent Community Arts Network.
Letters that stand for parts of a name are called initials.
There is no acronym with the letters CORNER. It does not stand for anything because it does not exist. No concept or organization uses the acronym CORNER.