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Q: What country is Tikal in?
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Why was Tikal deserted?

who is tikal

What is Tikal surrounded by?

Tikal is surrounded by jungle.

Is tikal dead?

Yes Tikal is very dead.

How many temples are in Tikal?

Tikal has 45 structures

What is tikal national park made of?

Tikal was carved out of wood

When was František Tikal born?

František Tikal was born in 1933.

When did František Tikal die?

František Tikal died in 2008.

When was Václav Tikal born?

Václav Tikal was born in 1906.

When did Václav Tikal die?

Václav Tikal died in 1965.

When was Tikal Futura created?

Tikal Futura was created in 1997.

What was the population of Tikal?

how large Tikal population

Was Tikal a city while Cortes invaded Mexico?

No. Tikal was already deserted: There is evidence that Tikal was conquered by Teotihuacan in the 4th century AD.