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Q: What comprises organizational intelligence?
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Intelligence Phase

What has the author Andy Bryner written?

Andy Bryner has written: 'An unused intelligence' -- subject(s): Teams in the workplace, Leadership, Organizational effectiveness

What is the Triarchic theory?

The Triarchic theory of intelligence was proposed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. It posits that intelligence comprises three aspects: analytical intelligence (problem-solving ability), creative intelligence (thinking outside the box), and practical intelligence (ability to adapt to the environment). This theory provides a broader and more comprehensive understanding of intelligence beyond traditional measures like IQ.

How does strategic intelligence differ from criminal intelligence?

Strategic intelligence focuses on long-term threats, trends, and opportunities to inform decision-making at a national or organizational level. Criminal intelligence is more focused on specific criminal activities, individuals, or groups to support law enforcement operations and investigations at a tactical level. Strategic intelligence is broader in scope and looks at the bigger picture, while criminal intelligence is more specialized and operational in nature.

What has the author Luis Bonilla-Molina written?

Luis Bonilla-Molina has written: 'Inteligencia social y sala situacional' -- subject(s): Social intelligence, Organizational effectiveness

What has the author Christopher Grey written?

Christopher Grey has written: 'Decoding organization' -- subject(s): History, Cryptography, Electronic intelligence, Intelligence service, Corporate culture, Secret service, World War, 1939-1945, Great Britain. Government Communications Headquarters, Organization, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior, Great Britain, Case studies 'A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations' -- subject(s): Management, Organizational behavior

How do you use the word comprises in a sentence?

You can use the word "comprises" to indicate what makes up a whole. For example, "The committee comprises five members."

What has the author John B Miner written?

John B. Miner has written: 'The human constraint' -- subject(s): Executives, Training of, Employee motivation, Recruiting 'Organizational Behavior' -- subject(s): Organizational behavior 'Personnel psychology' -- subject(s): Industrial Psychology, Personnel management, Psychology, Industrial 'Intelligence in the United States' -- subject(s): Testing, Manpower policy, Intelligence levels, Ability 'Introduction to management' -- subject(s): Management 'Studies in management education' -- subject(s): Industrial management, Study and teaching 'Management theory' -- subject(s): Management 'Role motivation theories' -- subject(s): Achievement motivation, Employee motivation, Organizational effectiveness 'Organizational behavior 6' -- subject(s): Leadership, Organizational behavior, Employee motivation, Subconsciousness 'Organizational Behavior 2' 'Organizational Behavior 4' 'Personnel and industrial relations' -- subject(s): Personnel management, Industrial relations 'The challenge of managing' -- subject(s): Management, Personnel management, Handbooks, manuals, Study and teaching

In what ways does organizational change differ from organizational development?

The organizational chart is a reflection of the completed and implemented organizational development.

Define organizational behaviour and explain how it is used in the organizational setting?

define organizational behaviour and explain how it is used in the organizational setting