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the two main goals of the u.n. are peace and human dignity.

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keeping the peace

protecting human rights

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Q: What are two main goals of the United Nations?
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What were the two main goals of the League of Nations?

to promote international cooperation and ,to keep peace amog nations

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The goals of the US and the United Nations in the Korean War were to push back the North Korean invasion of South Korea. It wanted to re-establish the border between the two nations and now keeps a large number of Marines between the two nations. These goals were established.

When was United Nations Established?

the united nations was established in 1919.

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Two specialized agencies of the United Nations are, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

What are the branches of the United Nations?

The two main branches you are probably reffering to are the Securty Council and the General Assembly.

What are the two chambers of United nations?

The General Assembly and the Security Council.

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United states and the Soviet Union

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There was no one "world leader", but the two main competing nations were the United States and the Soviet Union.

What was the International peace organization set up post world war 2?

The United Nations- formed by FDR, Stalling and Churchill

Purposes of the league of nations?

The League of Nations was a government organization that was created as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War One in 1919. The primary goals of the League of Nations (LON) are to prevent war through collective security, disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration. Other goals include improving labor conditions, treating native inhabitants fairly, and protecting minorities in Europe. The League of Nations was replaced by the United Nations (UN) after World War Two ended in 1945. The purposes and goals remained the same however.

What are two bit's goals in life?

Two-Bit's main goal in the Outsiders is to win the rumble and entertain the gang. Hope this helps!