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Q: What are the special agencies of the UN?
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Name some special agencies of un?

Some of the special agencies of the UN are: > Food and agriculture organizaton > International Maritime organization > International Telecommunication Union > International lLabor organization > UNESCO > UNICEF > World Bank

Which UN agencies aid countries in financial problems?

World bank

What is the role of the un secretariat?

The UN Secretariat employs some 7,750 staff members under the regular budget and some 8,230 under special funding. Coming from nearly 175 countries, they administer the UN's policies and programmes in New York and at duty stations around the world. The UN system as a whole - the UN and its related programmes and specialized agencies, including the World Bank and the IMF - employs some 63,450 people worldwide.

What is the function of general or special mercantile agencies?

General agencies, such as Dun and Bradstreet, collect information on a range of business enterprises nationwide, while special agencies limit their coverage to one or a few business areas and may operate either nationally or locally.

Es un dia especial?

It is a special day.

Who is the current chairman of united nation?

The head of the UN is the Secretary General. There are chairman positions in most of the UN agencies.

Which UN organ has major responsibility for supervising agencies that do social and economic work?

The Economic And Social Council.

Who is The chief of UN Special Commission on Iraq?

Richard butler

How many chapters are un the book Sahara special by Esme Codell?

There are 13 chapters in Sahara special

Which travel agencies organize special Costa Atlantica cruises?

There are many agencies which organize special Costa Atlantica Cruises. One can visit Costa Cruises site to find out more information regarding specials on Costa Cruises.

How is the United Nations organized?

To take over the world and globalize everything.

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I dunno..Do sum reasearch?? Should I ask you this?How are the UN's bodies and agencies organized? I dont think so!!