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The United Nations has cited several goals for the Millennium. 1. End extreme poverty and hungers. 2. Achieve universal primary education, allowing every child to complete a full course of primary education. 3. Achieve gender equality. 4. Reduce the child mortality rate. 5. Commit to improve maternal health. 6. Combat diseases such as HIV and malaria. 7. Employ efforts to sustain the environment. 8. Form a partnership, which global, for the purpose of development.

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It is claimed that the UN has the task of trying to cause different countries to settle their differences without resorting to war.

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To better unite the nations of Earth.

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When are the MDG's supposed to be reached?

The Millenium Development Goals, MDG's, are goals set by the United Nations. These goals are supposed to be reached by 2015. They were established in 2000.

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What are the United Nations' millennium development goals?

* End Poverty and Hunger * Universal Education * Gender Equality * Child Health * Maternal Health * Combat HIV/AIDS * Environmental Sustainability * Global

What is one the United Nations' primary goals?

To prevent countries from going to war with one another

What are two main goals of the United Nations?

the two main goals of the u.n. are peace and human dignity.