

Best Answer

1. Free Trade

2. No Visa requirements.

3. No work permit required

4. Elimination of Tariffs

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Q: What are the EU countries allowed to do freely?
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Can you use a Bulgarian visa to travel across the EU countries?

As Bulgaria is a member of EU, Bulgarians freely move and pass though EU countries

Can European Union countries trade freely without paying duties?

Yes, this is totally true. This is actually one of the main purposes of the EU. It is a customs union. You can trade freely between all EU members. There are no customs when travelling between EU member countries.

What are the advantages to citizens of EU?

Citizens of the EU enjoy the ability to travel freely to all EU countries without needing a visa. Also, EU citizens enjoy the low prices resulting from trade agreements among EU countries.

Which countries Bulgarians can work in EU?

In all EU countries if a work permit is allowed (after application). As Bulgaria is not in Schengen, can;t have a permenant job (without having allowed by the respective country)

Where you can freely travel with a Bulgarian residence permit?

IN EU countries for 3 months period only

Will an EU citizen be deported if he stays more than three months in another EU country?

No actually. People who live in the European Union and are citizens of one of the countries in the EU can move freely throughout the EU and reside anywhere they please. It is as if the EU is a single country itself and the people can move freely within it. All that is needed is an international identification card of passport. In fact, the countries of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland (all non-EU members) are also included in this, as they are part of the Schengen Area. In brief, the Schengen Area is a visa-free zone in Europe where citizens can travel freely and reside freely. All EU members (with the above four non-EU members), with the exception of the UK and Ireland, are part of the Schengen Area. However, the same rules still apply to the UK and Ireland.

Can a non-EU citizen travel to EU countries with a Swiss residence permit?

"Can a non-EU citizen travel to any EU countries with any EU country residence permit?'' Anyone with a Swiss residence permit can travel freely throughout the Schengen Area, which is most, but not all, of the EU. You may only travel as a tourist, if you want to live permanently or work in another country and are not an EU citizen then you will need a permit from that country.

Who many countries are in the EU?

There are 27 EU countries.

How many times in one year can visit Europe?

It all depends on where you are coming from! Citizens of the EU countries can travel freely between those countries, although there are some restrictions on citizens of those countries which joined the EU most recently. Those from outside Europe may need a visa.

UK passports and border control in schengen countries?

A UK passport holder does not need a Schengen visa. A UK passport holder is also an EU citizen and can travel freely to all EU and Schengen countries without a visa. He/she can also live and work freely in any other EU country. The only time you might need a visa is if you wanted to live and work in a non-EU country, for example Switzerland or Norway. In this case the document is usually called a work permit, not a visa.

Is EU all of Europe?

No Only the Countries that Paid to Join, Only more or less the richer european countries are allowed e.g the UK

What are 3 Contributions of eu?

The EU has delivered more than half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise living standards and launched a single European currency, its abolition of of border controls between EU countries, people can travel freely throughout most of the continent. Now people of member states can freely move and work inside the union.