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Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece.

Croatia will be admitted to the EU in July 2013.

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Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia

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Q: What Balkan nations are in the European union?
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What was the first balkan country to join the European union?

the first balkan country was Slovenia

Is the United Nations a union of European nations?

No. The United Nations has members from all over the world. The European Union is an organisation that has members from Europe.

What is a name for the united European nations?

The name of the United European Nations is called: The European Union (EU)

Which mountains stretch from Western Europe across many of the Balkan nations?

the North European Plain

When was Russia admitted into the European Union?

Russia is not a member of the European Union, which has 28 nations. Not all European countries are members of it.

What the first balkan country to join the eu?

Greece joined what was then known as the European Economic Community in 1981. It is now known as the European Union.

Why is it beneficial for European nations to belong to the European Union?

because it's for the economy

What is the largest of the Eastern European nations outside of the Soviet Union?

Ukraine is the largest of the European countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

What do most European Union nations use as their money?

The Euro.

What is UK part of?

The European Union, NATO, United Nations.

Which Eastern European nations belonged to NATO?

Soviet union

Which has the largest popllation the US or the European union?

The European Union. The United States has a population of approximately 300 million. The total combined population of European Union member nations is about 500 million.