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cost of membership dues

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Q: Senate opposition to the US membership in the league of nations was based mainly on the?
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What reason did the US senate give for opposing membership in the league of nations?


What did the Senate not allow Woodrow Wilson to do?

Approve the US' membership in the League of Nations.

Because felt strongly about America's membership in the League of Nations he could not compromise with the Senate.?

Woodrow Wilson

Because felt strongly about America's membership in the League of Nations he could not compromise with the Senate?

Woodrow Wilson

What wishes of Woodrow Wilson did the US Senate refuse to fulfill?

The U.S. Senate refused Woodrow Wilson's wishes of having, The League of Nations.

Opposition to the League of Nations by the US Senate during the Paris Peace Conference?

... gave allied leaders in Paris a stronger bargaining position.

Woodrow Wilson hardened senate opposition to the treaty of Versailles by his refusal to compromise on the issue of?

unconditional adherence of the us to the charter if the league of nations

The U.S. rejected membership in the League of Nations because members of the U.S. Senate believed that the?

The treaty of Versailles ignored Wilson's Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson encountered opposition in the US Senate during ratification of the Treaty of Versailles because?

he wanted unconditional acceptance of the charter of the League of Nations.

Two groups of Senate Republicans formed the opposition to the League of Nations?

A.Incorrigibles; Reconstructionists B. Irreconcilables; Reservationists C. Isolationists; Imperialists D. Nationalists; Patriots

U.S opposition to American ratification of the treaty of Versailles on?

The Senate was not happy with the idea of the League of Nations. They felt it a threat to their checks and balances on the president.

Who led Senate opposition to the Treaty of Versailles because he objected to US membership in the League of Nations?

Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, led the opposition to the treaty, he argued "No peace that satisfied Germany in any degree can ever satisfy us". Lodge prevented the Senate to pass the treaty as a two thirds majority was required. Many senators believed the the League of Nations were compromise the sovereignty of the US.