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yes ban ki moon is more powerful than apresident

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Q: Is the secretary general of the UN more powerful than a president?
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Do communist countries have presidents?

In general, no. The position of General Secretary is more analogous to Prime Minister than President. Any position labeled "President" in a communist country is generally a purely ceremonial position.

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There's a whole line of people just in case more than just the President dies. Here's the list in order of succession: 1. Vice President 2. Speaker of the House 3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate 4. Secretary of State 5. Secretary of Treasury 6. Secretary of Defense 7. Attorney General 8. Secretary of the Interior 9. Secretary of Agriculture 10. Secretary of Commerce 11. Secretary of Labor 12 Secretary of Health and Human Services 13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 14. Secretary of Transportation 15. Secretary of Energy 16. Secretary of Education 17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs 18. Secretary of Homeland Security

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General Westmoreland was seen on television news saying, "...I'll need another 100,000 men and we'll be able to wrap this thing up..." Defense Secretary McNamara and General Westmoreland advised President Johnson that more men and military aid was needed in Vietnam.

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both r powerful bcause if the president is power less then the congress is the one that is powerful if the congress is powerless then the president is powerfull

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i think president

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a president, a mayor is in charge of a community.

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to increase the number of American troops and bombing campaigns in Vietnam.

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The Chancellor