As of today (02APR2011), $1 US Dollar is worth about 0.62 British Pounds, or 62 Pence.
1944.84 US Dollar
Currently, 50 British Pound equals 69.15 US Dollar
Currently, 50 British Pound equals 69.15 US Dollar
39.50 US dollars is equal to 23.04 British pounds sterling. One US dollar is equal to 0.58 British pounds sterling.
Currently, 50 British Pound equals 69.15 US Dollar
$0.25 = £0.16
There is 424 US dollars in 250 British Pounds. There is one British Pound in every 1.69 United States dollar.
As at 18Oct10 USD85 was worth GBP53.29
400.00000 British Pound = 625.14000 US Dollar
As of today (02APR2011), 95 British Pounds is worth about $153.13 US Dollars.
9,800,000 British Pounds = 16,305,926 US Dollar as of Saturday, November 14, 2009 As of Aug 17th 2012 it has changed to 9,800,000 British Pounds = 15,378,160.00 US Dollar