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There are twelve stars in the European Union flag.

The flag is actually the Council of Europe flag, but was later adopted for use by the European Union. The twelve stars are all positioned like the hours of a clock, and are all facing upwards. Despite common misconception, the number of stars has no real meaning, and is a fixed amount. Unlike the Flag of the United States it doesnt represent a country or state.

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Q: How many stars are there on the European union?
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How many stars on the European Union's Flag?


What colour is the The European Union flag?

The European Union flag is a blue background with a circle of 12 yellow stars.

What are the EU stars for?

The stars represent the first 12 member states in the European Union.

How do i draw the European Union flag?

Drawing a European Union flag is simple. All you have to do is draw a rectangle, then color it blue and add stars.

How many stars on the flag of Europe?

If you mean the flag of the European union, there are 12 of them. Otherwise, each country has an own flag.

What does the flag of the European Union look like?

European union flag is the symbol of the European Union It represents Europe's unity and identity in a wider sense. The circle of gold stars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe.

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There are no cities in the European Union. It is an organisation, not a place.

What doe the European Union flag look like?

European Union flag shows a circle of 12 5-pointed gold (yellow) stars on a blue field.

Why twelve stars on the EU flag?

The twelve stars on the EU flag represent unity and harmony among the twelve founding countries of the European Union. The number 12 is also a symbol of completeness and perfection in many cultures, adding to the significance of the stars on the flag.

How many countries were in the European Union in 2006?

There were 25 countries in the European Union in 2006.

How many members from Malta are part of the European Union?

Countries are members of the European Union, not people or trade unions. As Malta is one country that is a member of the European Union, then the amount of members of the European Union from Malta is one.

What logo has Europe?

The European Union has a blue flag with 13 yellow, five pointed stars in a circle.