There are currently 193 members in the United Nations.
Currently there are 194 nations on earth, and this includes 2 that are not members of the United Nations: Taiwan, and Vatican City. World Almanac and Book of Facts 2007
The last entrant to the UN was in 2006, so all of them - 192 members.
Currently there are 193 United Nation member states. A recommendation for admission, which is made by the Security Council, is necessary in order to be admitted.
There were 189 member nations
There are 192 members in the general assembly.
There are 192 members belonging to the United nationsThere are currently 193 member states, and 2 observer states.
there are 192 member states in the united nation but 5 of them are permanent security council members.
there are many countries which are members of U.N.O so their are many kind of members of U.N.O.
The United Nations Security Council has 15 members.
192 countries were United Nations members.