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Q: Explain how organizations adapt to an uncertain environment and identify techniques managers use to influence and control the external environment What can you do as a student both inside and outs?
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How is planning process different in a dynamic uncertain environment than a predictable and stable environment?

in a dynamic uncertain environment it is not easy to establish risks.

Why an organisation operating in an uncertain environment requires more horizontal relationships than an organisation in a stable environment?

In an uncertain environment, organizations need more horizontal relationships to facilitate quick communication, information sharing, and collaboration. This structure allows for faster decision-making and adaptation to changing conditions. In contrast, in stable environments, vertical relationships are often sufficient for maintaining routine operations without requiring as much agility or coordination across different parts of the organization.

The use of effective training to challenge leaders and organizations with uncertain conditions is a tenant of which principle of training?

The use of effective training to challenge leaders and organizations with uncertain conditions aligns with the principle of "adaptability" in training. This principle emphasizes the importance of preparing individuals and organizations to navigate and thrive in dynamic and unpredictable environments. By providing training that simulates real-world challenges and encourages innovative thinking, leaders and organizations can develop the skills and resilience needed to respond effectively to uncertainty. Embracing adaptability as a core tenet of training ensures that individuals and organizations are equipped to adapt, evolve, and succeed amidst ever-changing circumstances and market conditions.

Explain the difference between closed and open systems and contrast the militarymechanical biological and cognitive systems metaphors for organizations?

Closed systems, such as a battery operated watch, are self-sufficient. Meaning they can operate on their own without any assistance. Open systems, such as animals, are highly dependent on the environment for survival. An example of this would be that animals need water and food so the environment would provide this to them for them to survive. (Kinicki and Kreitner 2009) In the past, the military/ mechanical metaphor characterized organizations as self-sufficient closed systems. Newer biological and cognitive metaphors view the organization as an open system. The biological metaphor views the organization as a living organism striving to survive in an uncertain environment. In terms of the cognitive metaphor, an organization is like the human mind, capable of interpreting and learning from uncertain and ambiguous situations.

What is sentence for uncertain?

I was uncertain about whose voice it was.He was uncertain about the results.

Who did the Athenians elect after Draco?

It is uncertain just who Draco really was and his time of influence over whom. The Athenians were not electing leaders at that stage.

Uncertain man relationship?

an uncertain man's relationship would b jus as uncertain as he is...

What does of uncertain etiology mean?

Uncertain etiology means the cause is unknown.

A sentence that has the word uncertain?

He felt uncertain about the future.

How do you use uncertain in a sentence?

I am uncertain how to use a dictionary.

When was Uncertain Pleasures created?

Uncertain Pleasures was created in 1990.

When was An Uncertain Place created?

An Uncertain Place was created in 2008.