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Q: Are Angola and NATO friendly
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Are N.A.T.O. and Angola at war?

No, Nato has never been at war with Angola

Is Sweden part of NATO?

No. Not a part of NATO. NATO-friendly, but not a member.

Did NATO conduct the war in Kosovo Iraq Kuwait or Angola?


Where is the match venue between Angola Vs Macedonia - International Friendly?

In germany

Where is the match venue between Angola Vs Macedonia - International Friendly 2012?

The venue is Estádio Nacional in Oeiras.

Are NATO allies and us allies the same thing?

NATO allies are the memeber states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US). US Allies is a looser term that can apply to any states friendly to the US, whether or not they are in NATO.

What is the driving time from Chicago to Angola?

Which Angola? Angola the country is across the ocean in Africa. Otherwise you have Angola, Indiana; Angola, Kansas; Angola, New York; or Angola State Prison in Angola, Louisiana.

Is Zambia in Angola?

No Zambia is not in Angola. Zambia is to the East of Angola.

What is the name of the capital of Angola?

Luanda is the capital and largest city in Angola.

Is Turkey friendly or hostile to the United States?

Turkey is a member of NATO and thus an ally of the U.S.

Is Angola or Zambia closest to the equator?

Angola is closest to the equator compared to Zambia. Angola is situated near the equator in southern Africa, while Zambia is located further from the equator to the north of Angola.

how to say welcome to angola in angola language?

In Angola, the official language is Portuguese, so you would typically say Bem-vindo a Angola to mean Welcome to Angola.