

Best Answer

the answer will be in your policy declarations you need to look there most do though

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Q: Caregiver for my father claims an injury while at my home. does homeowner insurance cover costs ?
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Merlin was his foster father and caregiver.

How can a father get custody of his children from there birth mother?

A father can get custody of the children if it can be demonstrated that that is in the best interest of the child. The father being the primary caregiver would help.

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Contact an attorney. You will need to establish to a judge's satisfaction that he was incompentent or improperly controlled by the caregiver.

Can you add your father to your insurance policy even though he is not living with you?

Add him in what capacity? If it's an auto policy and you want to add him as a driver, that's fine. If you want him to be named on a homeowner's policy, it can only be done if he has actual interest in the property.

Does the mother have to provide father with a health Insurance card for child if it is her Insurance?

As a practical matter, if there is joint custody, Dad should have a copy of the ID card. The child would not be turned away from a hospital or a doctor's office, if he did not have the ID card handy. But, having it will help everyone, including you: the caregiver won't have to chase you down later to straighten out the bills.

Can a father of two with whom he has relationships leave his entire estate to a caregiver?

yes he can if that is what it states in the will, however, this can be contested in a court of law.

How do you claim your father life insurance after his death?

I need to report my father's death and collect on his life insurance policy.

Can you get life insurance for your child's father if you are not married?

Yes you can. To get insurance, insurance companies, want to see an "insurable interest." Since he is the father of your child, you have an insurable interest on him.

What is primary caregiver?

A primary caregiver is most commonly seen or described as a child's mother or father who is the 'sole' carer of them, although it is also described as the particular child care worker assigned to plan, observe and care for that child during child care.

we are a mother and father who was legally taking care of a child we had a tragedy and the child passed away the biological mother who signed a legal paper saying she was no longer willing or able to take care of the baby is now suing us for wrongful deat?

You should contact an attorney to guide you. You may also be entitled to have your homeowner's insurance company cover any claims which are pending against you. Your insurance company will select the defense attorney for you, but you must notify your insurance company right away. The fact the biological mother gave up primary care of the child may not deny her the right to seek damages. It is a very fact sensitive issue and you clearly need legal advise.

What is the care giver?

A caregiver is someone who provides physical and/or emotional support to individuals who are unable to care for themselves due to illness, disability, or age. Caregivers can assist with daily tasks such as bathing, grooming, medication management, and companionship.

If father died does mother get sole custody?

That is normally the case, unless there is some reason to disqualify the mother; such as a demonstratable inability from being an effective caregiver.