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Q: You are 24 weeks pregnant with twins you are wheezing short of breath and coughing and your lips have a blue tinge?
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What would a person take ipratropium for?

Ipratropium is used to prevent wheezing, short of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. It comes as a liquid solution and is inhaled by mouth using a nebulizer.

Short breath swelling under left breast pain in bones left side of body right hand severe coughing?

See a doctor!

Your mare is breathing heavy she is not short of breath What could be wrong with her?

s/he could either be sick or pregnant

What is the medical term meaning wheeze?

Wheezing is a noisy respiration seen in patients with chronic bronchitis, chest infection and asthmatics. It is caused by narrowing of the bronchioles due to infection or spasm and produces a whistling sound during respiration . Patients have difficulty in breathing and feel short of breath due to increased inspiratory effort

Does breath long or short vowel?

The word "breath" has a short vowel sound. The "ea" in "breath" is pronounced as a short "e" sound.

What are the signs or symptoms of lung cancer?

signs and symptoms of lung cancer are breathing hard and coughing up blood, not being able to finish sentences, short of breath all the time and weak in general.

How can you tell you have bacterial bronchitis?

Bacterial bronchitis is often characterized by a persistent cough with yellow or green mucus, fever, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, fatigue, and occasionally, wheezing. A healthcare provider will typically diagnose bacterial bronchitis based on symptoms, medical history, and possibly a sputum culture or other diagnostic tests. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacterial bronchitis.

Is Breath a short e word?

Yes. The EA in breath has a short E sound, as in death.

In a rebus puzzle what does breth mean?

Either: a little out of breath or short of breath.

What does it mean if your pit bull is wheezing and has short breathes?

Wheezing and shortness of breath in a pit bull can indicate various health issues such as respiratory infections, allergies, or heart problems. It is essential to have your dog examined by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Prompt medical attention can help alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Is breath a short vowel word?

Yes. The EA in breath is pronounced as a short E, as in bread and death.

Are there any short vowels in the word breath?

The vowel sound in the word "breath" is a short "e", even though it is written "ea".