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Q: Will Cigna Insurance pay for a reverse vasectomy?
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Who is Nataline Sarkisyan?

Nataline Sarkisyan was a 17-year-old from Northridge, CA diagnosed with leukemia. She died Thursday, December 20, 2007 hours after a nationwide protest caused her insurance company (CIGNA) to reverse its previous denial of coverage for a liver transplant. CIGNA originally declined to pay for the liver transplant because the plan did not cover "experimental, investigational and unproven services." Mark Geragos, attorney for Nataline's family, has stated that Cigna "maliciously killed her" and that her family is planning to press murder and/or manslaughter charges against Cigna HealthCare for their daughter's death.

If you pay medical insurance from your paycheck and go out on maternity leave are you required to pay your employer the medical insurance as you would if you are working?

Yes, failure to pay will result in termination of your insurance. If you don't pay for any of the insurance, the insurance cancel will reverse the payments they made to the hospital and doctors and you will have to pay full-price for the childbirth and subsequent care.

How much in dollar figures and percentages of Cigna's annual gross revenue goes to paying claims and how much of it goes to paying salaries?

While I don't have the numbers for you, for the most part the money Cigna uses to pay claims is not from their revenue at all. Most employers maintain a bank account of their funds which Cigna uses to pay claims. This is referred to as A.S.O. (administrative services only) funding. Cigna's pocketbook is not impacted by the claims paid or denied for these accounts, which make up the vast majority of their claim volume. In fact, paying a claim is less costly than denying a claim, as no one calls the insurance company regarding the claims that have been paid, just the ones denied. So the more claims denied, the more customer service agents Cigna must pay for. The financial incentive is actually to pay claims rather than to deny.

Was CIGNA successfully sued as a result of the Nataline Sarkisyan case?

No sadly! They need to pay! Its about time!

How annuities work?

Annuities have been described as reverse life insurance policies. You pay a large amount to your insurance company to start it and will receive small cash amounts over time. It's the opposite of insurance.

What happens if a car hits a tree will insurance pay?

Yes your insurance will pay for it because if you have good insurance it will pay for it


If you have accidental insurance then it will pay, if not it won't.

How do insurance companies pay doctors?

how to insurance companies pay doctors

Does the bank pay for ads for reverse mortgages?

Yes. If the bank advertises reverse mortgages it must pay for the advertising.

What is the definition of supplemental insurance?

The definition of supplemental insurance is additional or extra insurance that you can get to help pay for out-of-pocket or services that your regular insurance will not pay for.

Why is your car insurance so expensive?

because if you get in a wreck...your insurance has to pay for it and you have to pay alittle money to help them pay gor your accident. because if you get in a wreck...your insurance has to pay for it and you have to pay alittle money to help them pay gor your accident.

Will medical insurance pay for IVF?

Some insurance plans pay for IVF, and others do not.