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Because it would be harder to pay the bills, provide a proper education, etc. to children.

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Q: Why should health insurance be provided to low income families?
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Medicaid is health insurance provided for low-income families by the government?

false ..

Does HCF Health Insurance offer low cost health insurance for low income families?

"HCF has several policies available to choose from, from low cost to more costly. Insurance for low income families is available, however, the deductible will be quite high."

What health insurance is available in Mississippi for children from low income families?

CHIP, (Children's Health Insurance Program) and also Medicaid are available for children in Mississippi. Both programs are based on income.

Is student health insurance affordable for low income families?

Student health insurance is can be had at a very reasonable cost, as low as $30 per month. Even low income families should be able to afford this cost, just talk to your current provider or prospective school about getting coverage.

What does the acronym CHIP stand for?

CHIP stands for Children's Health Insurance Program. It is a federal-state program that provides health insurance coverage to children in families with low incomes.

What are some health insurance companies in Michigan?

Some health insurance companies in Michigan include Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Priority Health, and HAP (Health Alliance Plan). These companies offer a range of health insurance plans for individuals, families, and businesses in the state. It is important to compare the coverage, premiums, and network of providers offered by each company to find the best fit for your needs.

What is the purpose of government health care programs?

The purpose of government health care program is to serve low-income families and individuals who cannot afford insurance.

Is health insurance benefits earned income?

No health insurance benefits would not be a part of your earned income.

Where online can someone find health insurance quotes in New Jersey?

NJ FamilyCare offers health insurance benefits for qualifying, low-income families. Most insurance companies will provide online quotes including United Healthcare.

What are some of the cheapest health insurance policies in Illinois?

The cheapest health insurance policy is offered to low income families in Illinois. If you believe your family qualifies to be in the poverty level, then you can apply for Illinois Family Plan.

What percentage of income due insurers feel is fair for health insurance?

Most insurance companies feel that any customer should pay roughly $5,000 annually for low income families/customers. This means that the price only increases, so you might want to not have health insurance unless you are a doctor.

What is some information on CHIP medical insurance?

CHIP medical insurance helps those with a low income. It provides low cost health treatment to children who are part of low income families. It also covers pregnant women.