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when give patient fleet enema or ldolculax need to ask patient in the left lacteral position ?

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Q: Why give patient fleet enema need left lacteral pation?
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Related questions

What types of enemas can a Nurse Assistant administer?

Barium enema, and Fleet enema

What is a fleet enema?

A fleet enema is a disposable laxative enema (or clyster). It is intended for treating constipation or cleansing the bowel, often before medical procedures. It may also be used for other conditions.

What is fleets in the medical term?

A fleet is a type of enema.

How long does a fleet enema take to work?

1-5 minutes.

How far to insert a fleets enema?

check the instructions listed in those fleet enemas

What does the word fleet men to gay men?

Fleet is the brand name for a line of enema's, or what one uses to clean their rectum. Basically, if he's using fleet, he bottoms in heat.

How many milliliters are in a cleansing enema?

For a warm water or soapsuds enema, 500cc to 1500cc is the usual volume given to an adult. Sodium Phosphate enemas (like Fleet) and other mini-enemas such as a bisacodly enema contain very little fluid and work by stimulating the colon muscles. These are usually 30cc to 120cc.

What is a male enema fetish?

It's getting sexually aroused by enemas. Warm water enemas are pretty safe, but the medical preparations (Fleet, etc.) should be used sparingly.

What is the difference between a Bisacodyl enema and a saline enema?

A bisacodyl enema is a pre-packaged mini-enema that contains 1.25 oz of liquid and 10mg of bisacodyl. Bisacodyl is a stimulant laxative and acts by causing contractions of the colon muscles. The small volume allows the enema to be comfortably retained for the amount of time necessary for the bisacodyl to act inside the colon, usually within 15 minutes or so and is nice and cramp producing!!A pre packaged saline enema contains a mixture of water and sodium phosphate and is 4oz for the pre-packaged enemas (like Fleets)large volume enemas where a small amount of salt is mixed with warm water (a teaspoon per 1000ml) is far better than the nasty Fleet sodium phosphate enema. Better for you and more cleansing.

How do you do take an enema?

Well I presume you have the equipment relevant (enema bag, hose, solution or what ever you are using, or a fleet enema, lube and a toilet near by) Enema bag. Attach the hose to the bag. Close off the valve or clamp. Fill the bag with the liquid. Undress. Put a water based lubricant on the nozzle and put some on your finger and slowly put some around the anus and in the anal canal (the bit just inside) or as an alternative you van use coconut oil instead. Insert thr nozzle about an inch and a half. Open the clamp and relax and let the liquid run into you. After all the liquid is inside you remove the nozzle and hold it for as long as you can (ideally 10 to 20 minutes) then go use the bathroom and make sure you are near the toilet just in case not all of it expelled

What is collective noun for fleet?

The noun 'fleet' is a standard collective noun for:a fleet of aircrafta fleet of planesa fleet of shipsa fleet of taxisa fleet of carsa fleet of lorries (trucks)a fleet of printersa fleet of bassa fleet of cootsa fleet of mud-hensa fleet of pigs

Collective noun of vehicles?

The general collective noun for 'vehicles' is a fleet, for example:a fleet of carsa fleet of taxisa fleet of limosa fleet of trucksa fleet of buses