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dr. anandi gopal

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Q: Who is the first Doctor of India?
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When is Doctor's Day celebrated in India?

Doctor's Day is celebrated in INdia on 1st July.

A passage to india doctor?

A Passage to India was written by E.M. Forster.

Where is the city of Kalyan located?

The city of Kalyan is located in India. Kalyan is a port city, where India's first doctor originated from. Kalyan is located in the province of Maharashta, in Asia.

What was the name of the doctor who did the first operation in the world and from where he belongs?

Sushrut of India who authored Sushrit Sanhita book in Ayurveda and was the first known surgeon in history

What is the difference in the full fprm of MD and DM in medicine?

M.D is the first professional doctor degree in India for medical doctors and D.M is the second or highest professional doctor degree.

How did ancient India women dress?

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Year of first computer launched in India?

The first computer came in India in 1956. The computer first came to India in Calcutta, now Kolkata, in Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata under Doctor Dutta, Majumdar and Roy. It was not onlt the first computer of India but also Asia's first computer outside japan.

Which Indian president served the longest?

He was the first president of india, Doctor Rajendra Prasad who served from 1950 to 1962(12 years)

Who is the first male doctor of India?

First Graduate in Medicine: Surjo Kumar Chakraborty.Additionally, the first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine is Hargovind Khurana.

Who started vacination?

china India or Iran started vaccination. However English doctor Edward Jenner used the first Recorded vaccination.

Who was doctor in passage to India?

the doctor in pasasge of India was Dr.Aziz and he was the most laziest and he used to always be late in is work and all other activities. He was on the side of British.