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Most organ donations are done by a deceased person who was in generally good health prior to death. Organ donations can be done by anyone at any age, except perhaps the very elderly. People with cancer, Diabetes, liver disease, Alcoholism, AIDS, and other severe diseases should not be organ donors.

Live organ donation is different. The most well-established organ donation by a live donor is probably a kidney. The donor must be an adult, well informed of the risks, and in very good or excellent health. The donor must not be suffering from a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Children under 18 cannot offer their organs for donation after death. Parents must make this choice when a child dies.

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The demand for organ transplants exceeds the supply of available organ donors due to a variety of reasons, including lack of awareness about organ donation, religious or cultural beliefs, and medical barriers such as donor compatibility. This shortage results in longer waiting times for patients in need of transplants and unfortunately, many individuals die while waiting for a suitable organ to become available.

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Any organ, blood, bone marrow.

Can aids patients donate their organ?

One of the few consequences of HIV infection is that the infection can be transmitted by not only blood donation but also by any organ donation. Please do not think of organ or body donation.

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North Texan and Olympic champion Carly Patterson is new spokesperson for the Taylor's Gift Foundation. she didn't donate any organs, yet.

What is your stand regarding organ donation?

I believe the body and spirit are separate. It's one of the more selfless things to do when you donate an organ, whether it be while you're alive or dead.

Should you clone people or things?

you should because if you need a transplant, your clone could donate blood or an organ to you.

Can you donate a kidney if you have an std?

Sadly, no- nobody with Hepatitis can be an organ donor.

Would you ever donate an organ in order to save another person's life?

I believe it is all a matter of opinion. Like if someone needed a spare kidney, I would do it. It can also be a religious aspect. There are some many reasons as to why someone may or may not donate an organ to save someones life.