There are 13 schools across the country that offer full-time and some offering part-time bachelor degrees in Podiatry. The full-time course takes three or four years to complete depending on where you choose to study. The part-time course is usually completed over four and a half years.
Applications to all of the submitted institutions offering full-time courses have to be submitted via the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
It is the study of disorders of the feet.
Podiatry is usually studied at University. The University of Huddersfield for example, offers a Podiatry degree course.
This profile is consistent with equivalent UK pre-registration podiatry programs.
This is Podiatry.
A medical professional who deals with feet (and ankles) is a podiatrist.
Chiropody is the study and treatment of disorders of the feet. It is more commonly called podiatry.
The medical term is 'podiatry'.
Podiatry (or chiropody) is a branch of medicinedevoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the lower leg, ankle and foot.
Currently the title Chiropodist and Podiatrist are protected and only practitioners registered with the Health Professions Council may use them. The only current route to entry is a Bachelors degree in podiatry at a University. This is a 3 or 4 year course, and will have practical, theoretical and research elements.
Podiatry is the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders.
Podiatry rhymes with hierarchy, bakery, and fakery.
In order to be a Podiatry Surgeon, you must be a medical doctor.