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The best place to go is to visit the medicare website or call Medicare about plans and programs which will give you and your wife the coverage you desire. They will work with you and help you through your situation.

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Q: Where do I go to find medicare insurance plans?
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Where can I go about medicare supplemental insurance plans?

One can find informations about Medicare supplemental plans on their website, where their insurance deals are explained. Alternatively, one could look on a price comparison website to find information about their prices in relation to other providers.

Where can one find Secure Horizons Medicare Advantage plans?

Secure Horizons is a brand of Medicare Advantage plans offered by UnitedHealthcare. These plans can be found on the UnitedHealthcare website, through licensed insurance agents, or by calling UnitedHealthcare directly. They may also be available through employer-sponsored plans or through the website.

how do i go about getting suplimental medical insurance to help where medicare doesn't?

Call Humana to talk about their supplemental insurance plans for Medicare. 1 - 800 - 345 - 8069 The website is

Is the coverage under Medicare supplemental insurance plans the same, regardless of the company you go with.?

Pricing and coverage can differ between insurance companies that provide the supplemental coverage. Find more information at:

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Some of the Auto Insurance Companies that also have motorcycle plans are Geico, Progressive and Nationwide Insurance. You can go online to their websites and find out all the information you will need about motorcycle plans.

Where can one find information about AARP Dental Insurance plans?

In order to find information on the AARP Dental Insurance plans, you must go to the dental insurance website of the AARP. You will be prompted to enter your state in order to see more information.

Where can I find affordable whole life insurance online?

You can go to to search for the right insurance plans that will fit your needs.

What kind of health insurance for senior citizens would be considered adequate and affordable?

Well for medical insurance it can be very difficult to find affordable insurance. The best thing to do is to go with the state based Medicare insurance.

Where could one find information regarding USF Health?

Go to the University of South Florida for information regarding their health plans. They accept standard Medicare but not all Medicare HMOs. They do require referrals in most cases.

What small business health insurance plans are available in Texas?

The best way to find a small business health insurance plan, in Texas or in any other state, is to go through an insurance broker, who can evaluate the many different plans available and find one that meets your needs and your budget.

Where can I find an official list on clinics I am able to go to with my Medicare HMO plan?

That will depend on your location. A comprehensive list can be found at

Do you need a health plan supplement when you have Medicare?

Yes. It depends on what is covered in your Medicare plan. There are supplemental insurance programs, like MediGap and other additional options provided either by Medicare itself, or by your own choice of providers. This answer is correct for the most part, but you don't HAVE to have a supplement when you have Medicare. It is up to you. Most people wouldn't go without a supplement. These nifty little plans can cover your deductibles and coinsurances that Medicare leaves for the patient. If your claim is high dollar, you could find yourself in trouble trying to figure out how to pay your portion of the bill. Also, Medicare itself doesn't offer any supplemental insurance. You have to shop for yourself and decide which sounds like it would help you the most. Part D supplemental coverage is for prescriptions. Medicare does not cover any prescriptions. You have to figure which drugs you are presently taking and then find a supplement that will cover most of those drugs. If your prescriptions radically change over the year, you may want to shop for a new Part D supplement when it's the time of year to add, delete or change your supplements or even purchase a Medicare Replacement Plan. Many, many choices.