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When you lose your job, you contact the company where you worked and ask for Cobra information. If you had health insurance with them, they have that information. If they will not give it to you, contact the United States Department of Labor. You can only get Cobra through the company that your last employer uses. That is it.

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Q: Where can you buy cobra insurance?
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What is Cobra Health Insurance?

COBRA health insurance provides former employees of the company with health coverage. More information on Cobra Health Insurance can be found at the cobra government webpage.

Does Cobra Insurance offer competitive rates?

No, Cobra Insurance does not offer competitive rates.

How long has Cobra Insurance been operating for?

Cobra Insurance has been operating since 2006. Cobra Insurance is a firm of insurance brokers and was formed by a merger in 2006 of two previous companies.

What does cobra health insurance have to offer?

Cobra Health Insurance is relatively cheap compared to that of other insurance companies. However, cobra insurance expires after only eighteen months therefore forcing their customers to find someone else.

Where can I find out more info on cobra insurance?

The best place to find information on Cobra insurance is at their online site at Cobra insurance offers up to 65% off the price of a regular health plan.

How much does a cobra cost?

5429 is the cost for the individual . 15073 is for the family. Also there is insurance for unemployment which the cobra insurance pays.

If you retire and have cobra insurance from a previous employer and get a new job with insurance can you still keep your cobra insurance and which insurance is the primary insurance?

COBRA insurance is a guarantee that your health insurance is portable when you leave the job. It is now private insurance where you are paying for it. The cost is probably higher than the employer provided insurance so you would want to look at the 2 carefully and determine which would be most economical. It does not make sense to pay for two policies. If your new job pays for (some of) the insurance dump your COBRA.

How long can I maintain Cobra Insurance after I lose my job?

You can maintain Cobra Insurance for about 18 months. The stimulus package that passed last year also enables greatly reduced fees for continuing health insurance coverage under COBRA.

What does cobra insurance coveage cover?

Cobra insurance coverage covers health and medical needs. They are a health insurance place. They don't cover really anything but medical and health things.

Where can someone find information on COBRA insurance laws?

A person can find information on COBRA insurance laws online. Some online sites that offer information on COBRA insurance laws include the official U.S. Department of Labor website, COBRAInsurance, and Insure.

How long does it take for your insurance to expire after your discharge from your job?

18-36 months, per COBRA. this is not the same as employer-covered insurance. Please research COBRA.

Have you heard of a company called Cobra Insurance in the United States?

There is no company called Cobra Insurance. What you're thinking about is COBRA insurance, which stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which for most people its main usage is allowing you to basically pay your premiums for your old job's insurance when you leave the company until you get new insurance or 18 months.