what could happen if you break confidentiality to a resident in a nursing home
Confidentiality level
Maintaining confidentiality is very important because it shows respect for people and they can trust you and feel relax enough to tell you any suggestion they may have. There may be some cases in which you will have to break confidentiality such as if a child protection case is suspected.
Specify that you have full confidentiality regarding a similar issue to what your company has gone through. Also research other possible breaches in confidentiality that could be a concern, and declare that you will not break any agreement proposed on the subject.
protect individuals' privacy, maintain confidentiality, prevent discrimination, and ensure respectful and ethical communication.
It is acceptable to conduct your private business on your government computer as long as you do it on your break or during lunch time
Confidentiality level
Confidentiality level
Confidentiality level
Confidentiality level
Confidentiality is when something is promised to remain private. Examples of a break in confidentiality would be a doctor giving out private medical details without the patient's permission, a friend telling your secrets, or even the school counselor calling your mom after you've confided in her and asked her not to.