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The properties of finding the cost can be very complex so i will try to make this simple. first you need to do research on every health care company that ever existed. then you have to find the cost of the health care and make a list of every price for every company. next you need to add up all those numbers and divide by how many numbers you had. the number should be around 344,543,678. now you have to move the decimal 3 places to the left. that will get you 546.931. now with that number you need to call up the health care company you want and say to them "upside down pineapple cake." this will let them know that you mean business and you are ready to get dem health care. after they initaiate you into the club, read the the final number i got and they should tell you to go on their website and read them the oath of honesty. after you have done that you will have health care for yourself. now repeat all that and do the same for your husband.

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Q: What would health care cost for your husband and you?
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