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Q: What is the relationship between a long term intermediary and an insurer?
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How long does a doctor have to submit a prior authorization?

There is no standardized period of time. The answer depends upon the rules governing the physician's relationship with the insurer, and what the plicy with the insured might provide for. The insurer always has to act within the proverbial "reasonable time". Depending upon, for e3xample, whether the procedure is elective or emergency, the "reasonable time" can differ.

What is a close long term relationship between two or more species?

A close long-term relationship between two or more species where they mutually benefit each other is called symbiosis. This relationship can take different forms such as mutualism (both species benefit), commensalism (one benefits, the other is unaffected), or parasitism (one benefits, the other is harmed).

How long is a high mass?

There is no direct relationship between length and mass.

Is a competition between two species for food symbiosis relationship?

No, a competition between two species for food is not a symbiotic relationship. Symbiosis is a close and long-term interaction between two different species, where at least one of them benefits. In a competitive relationship, both species are negatively affected as they compete for limited resources.

What is the relationship between long-run average cost curve and short-run average cost curve?

what is the relationship between long run average cost curve and short run average cost curve?

What kind of relationship you postulate between short-run and long run average cost curves when these are not U shaped?

The type of relationship that you postulate between short-run and long-run average cost curves that is not U shaped is the external limiting relationship.

What is a long term relationship between two different species within a community is called?

A long-term relationship between two different species within a community is called symbiosis. This relationship can be mutualistic, where both species benefit, parasitic, where one species benefits at the expense of the other, or commensalistic, where one species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed.

Explain the relationship between short-term goals and long-term goals?

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What makes a relationship last a long time?

Relationship last long when partners respect, trust each other and communicate about everything, a great understanding between individuals is a requirement.

What is the possibility of Long distance relationship between a Aquarius girl and Capricorn guy?

Not good.