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An HMO is a construct intended to combine the financing and the delivery of health care services. It provides a comprehensive set of health care services to members (subscribers) in return for a monthly fee. Stated otherwise, an HMO may be considered to be both a health care provider and an insurer.

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Related questions

where can I get hmo insurance plan ?

If you are employed you can get your HMO through your employer. You can also get an HMO if you are not employed, however it will cost you more since an HMO is a shared cost among many people in the company.

Who can apply for HMO insurance?

Anyone who can afford the payments can apply for HMO insurance. Many people can apply for HMO insurance through their employer. People can even get HMO insurance themselves and be self-insured.

What type of insurance is HmO?

Health insurance. HMO = Health Maintenance Organization.

What is a direct contract model HMO?

The direct contract model HMO is similar to an IPA except the HMO contracts directly with the individual physicians. The HMO recruits a variety of community healthcare providers, including PCPs and specialists.

What is the singular possessive for the word HMO?

The possessive form of the acronym HMO (health maintenance organization) is HMO's.example: This HMO's rates are better than the one I have now.

Does medicare work with any hmo?

yes some plan, medicare work with hmo .

What HMO type has the least amount of control over cost management?

open ended HMO

How do you bill secondary Medicaid when Medicare is with an HMO?

You submit an EOB from the Medicare HMO with your Medicaid claim.

What does HMO stand for?

Health Maintenance Organization HMO stands for Health Maintance Organization. Basically an HMO lets you go to a small group of doctors and hospitals. But, if you go anywhere else you have NO COVERAGE.

Can a fl humana hmo doctor force a patient to use a particular lab or mri faciliity?

No. But the HMO will.

Can an employer use the services of an HMO clinic for 5 or more employees?

That depends on the contracts available from the HMO. Most HMO's have a variety of services available with different price ranges depending on the number of employees to be covered. I've had HMO's at companies with far more than 5 employees.

Is golden cross health plan in puerto rico still operating as an hmo?

They are operating, don't know if as HMO.