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The eHealth initiative is about improving healthcare by using data and analytics, providing technology for patients with chronic diseases and connecting different communities through data exchange.

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Q: What is the eHealth initiative about?
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Related questions

What the initiative is about?

The eHealth initiative is about improving healthcare by using data and analytics, providing technology for patients with chronic diseases and connecting different communities through data exchange.

What does the e in ehealth stand for?

enabling health

What are the best online health insurances?

"One of the best places to look for online health insurance is Ehealth Insurance. Ehealth promises its customers that Ehealth will be their advocate, will have the best prices, and will offer the largest selection of health insurance products. They offer the basics on a variety of plans. They also provide support 24/7."

How much is eHealth Insurance per month?

The cost of health insurance will undoubtedly vary for each unique customer's situation. However For Ehealth quotes in California start at $79. More research should be done for any serious customers.

What services are offered by eHealth Insurance?

eHealth Insurance helps comparing health insurance plans offered by different companies and finding a suitable one considering the personal needs. This includes also family insurances or short term insurance plans.

How is ehealth better than traditional health insurance?

eHealth is better than traditional health insurance because it is a website that allows you to view multiple policies and plans from different companies. You are able to "shop around" for different policies for individuals, families, and groups.

Where is the best place to find out about eHealth insurance?

Contacting the eHealth insurance company directly will help people looking for low cost individual health insurance coverage. Checking with other insurance companies and asking for comparisons in coverage and price can also be helpful.

What is a good sentence for initiative?

He took the initiative, a peace initiative.

What is the procedure that allows voters to initiate legislation by obtaining signatures on a petition?


What is the Tagalog word for Initiative?

Tagalog word for Initiative: pagkukusa

An expample of initiative is?

The definition of initiative is to take a step to do something or an action. An example would be to take the initiative in settling an issue, or to take the initiative in making friends.

What is the Latin translation for the word initiative in Latin?

The translation would be, ausus - daring, initiative or orsus - undertaking, initiative