The cost of a tooth extraction will differ due to the difference is cost of living in areas. In Dallas, TX a tooth extracion can cost $355.00. If you go to a dental surgeon it will cost you a lot more so go to a regular dentist. They will also write you a prescription for a pain pill and antibiotic.
What is the cost to extract a tooth in Trinidad and Tobago
Nothing, they grow for free in peoples mouths.
The dentist extracted his wisdom tooth. Or An extract of beef... An extract of nitrous acid...
A tooth may be beyond repair and a dentist will need to extract it.
Whether you decide to save or extract a tooth to make more room depends on the tooth, its location, and how many teeth you have left to grow. You should discuss your options with your dentist.
Please, for the love of God, do not extract your own tooth. Tooth extraction is a technique and has little to do with force. If you do it yourself the root tip could break off and that can less to a horrible infection. If cost is an issue many dental offices accept payments. If it's a loose baby tooth the adult tooth will push it out on it's own.
Unfortunatly, when this happens, the only thing you can do is extract your tooth. But you can replace it with either an implant, a partial, or even a bridge depending on where you tooth was.
yes. Menstration will not effect an extraction.
The weight of a human tooth ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 ounces, depending on the size and type of tooth.
not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.
dunno maybe maybe not lol
Yes it is very safe