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be private today and go public tomorrow

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Q: What is private today public tomorrow?
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ok lets say today is monday. and if today is monday and today is tomorrow then tomorrow would be monday. then yesterday would be monday because tomorrow is yesterday.

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If today was tomorrow and yesterday was today, then today would actually be tomorrow. Therefore, tomorrow would be today in this scenario.

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What is today if yesterday is yesterday and today is tomorrow?

Today is tomorrow.

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Henry Kelsey Senior Public School's motto is 'Prepare today, Succeed Tomorrow!'.

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If today is tomorrow, then yesterday's tomorrow is today.Another answer: Yesterday's tomorrow is today. This is a fact. This is reality.But if what we think is today is really tommorow, then we are a day behind! So rather than yesterday's tomorrow being today, 'yesterday's tomorrow' must be one more day than today, i.e. it must be tomorrow!