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The NHS is the National Health Service which provides free health care (to some extent) to all British Citizens.

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Q: What is healthcare and NHS?
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When was Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust created?

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust was created in 2007.

What are the aims for NHS?

To provide free healthcare to all

How is the NHS funded?

The National Health Service also known as the NHS is publicly funded through taxpayer's money. The NHS is the healthcare system in England.

Who uses the nhs and what is it?

The NHS is the National Health Service, which provides healthcare free at the point of access for all UK residents. The NHS owns hospitals and pays for doctors and nurses.

What is the name of the British Healthcare System?

It is the "National Health Service" (or NHS)

What is meaning NHS with dental career?

NHS stands for the National Health Service, which is the publicly funded healthcare system in the United Kingdom. A dental career in the NHS refers to working as a dentist or other dental healthcare professional within the NHS, providing dental services to patients under the NHS framework. This typically involves delivering dental care to eligible patients, following NHS treatment guidelines and fee structures.

What does the nhs want to achieve?

The NHS's (National Health Service) goal is, as outlined in the inaugrual pamphlet, to provide comprehensive, universal, and free healthcare at the point of delivery.

What does nhs do?

NHS Professionals is an organisation in the United Kingdom that supplies healthcare workers to the National Health Service. It works with Doctors and Nurses and most people in the medical field.

Where is information on NHS London located?

If an individual is looking for information on NHS London, there are a few resources that they can find the necessary information on. A couple of resources that have information on NHS London include the Healthcare London site and the UK Web Archive.

What does NHS professionals do?

NHS Professionals is an organisation in the United Kingdom that supplies healthcare workers to the National Health Service. It works with Doctors and Nurses and most people in the medical field.

Where is nhs located?

The NHS (National Health Service) is the UK's free medical and healthcare service. There are about 358 NHS hospitals in the UK.

What are a few examples of NHS employers?

The NHS is an organization that employs individuals in health-related fields. The list is includes, but is not limited to, doctors and other healthcare workers, staff, and financial advisors.