1 doctor per every 1722 patients.
The doctor to patient ratio in Uganda is 1:1500
It depends, if we're talking about north, the persons per doctor in the region of Lombardy are 180 whereas in the Southern region of Basilicata there are 230 people for every doctor.
Ireland's ratio of doctors to population is 2.3 per 1,000. The European average currently stands at 3.5 per 1,000.
8.8 doctors per ten thousand inhabitants in Vietnam. M not sure
What is the ratio of people per doctor in sudan?
2.89 physicians per 1000 people (2004). For comparison purposes, the US has a lower density, with 2.67 physicians per 1000 people.
Physicians > per 1,000 people (most recent) by country Pakistan 0.74 per 1,000 people.
Based on the New melliumium world censorship (2000), taken by 89 countries, Cambodia had around 1 doctor for every 200 people approx, although this would meaning they have the best doctor to patient ratio out of any country in the world, many of these doctor would not meet the basic training requirements of that of a first world country. According to a 2007 survey taking by 12 first world Nations Australia woould have the best ratio with 1 doctor for every 350 people, therefore it could be said that Australia has the most doctors per capita, excuding non-first world countries such as cambodia.
the EU average is 2.3 doctors per thousand I want to know the doctor per patient ratio in germany, not the EU
Physicians in Greece have an average salary of almost $67,000 per year. Physicians in the United States make more than twice that with their annual salaries being $150,000.