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in new york state what age does term ins end

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Q: What does term life insurance cover?
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Where can one find information on term life insurance?

Information on term life insurance can be found at Sun Life Financial, ManuLife Financial, TD Insurance, Cover Me, Terms4Sale, State Farm, and Beaton Insurance.

How often does a life insurance company pay out on term life policies?

Exactly every time that someone dies that has a policy. Term insurance is purchased for a particular situation, like to cover a mortgage, to cover education for a dependent, etc. This is why you purchase term insurance, the need should disappear at the same time that the term runs out. Term life insurance works like all other insurance, you die, they pay, that's all.

What are some advantages of whole life insurance?

The main advantage to whole life insurance is that it will cover your entire life, as opposite to a term insurance policy, which only covers you for a term of usually 10 to 20 years, after which it expires.

What kind of insurance would cover a mortgage in the event of a spousal death?

Credit life insurance, Mortgage insurance, or decreasing term insurance.

Does Prudential term life insurance cover your children?

Yes Prudential term life insurance can cover one's children. It can be used to help send one's children to college or leave them a nest egg should the worst happen.

What kind of questions and answers can be found on the Term Life Insurance FAQ?

Term life insurance does not have an FAQ - it is a type of life insurance. This life insurance is sold to cover a certain period of time. It does not have a cash savings component to it, and thus is usually quite a bit less expensive that other types of life insurance.

Does union fidelity cover both accident insurance and life insurance or life insurance only?

yes it do cover life insurance not health insurance.

What is the difference between a term life insurance and an universal life insurance?

A term life insurance policy is a basic protection that covers expenses in case of an accidental death, it will sometimes cover debilitating injuries, but only briefly. A universal insurance policy covers a wider category and can sometimes be cashed in.

Which type of insurance reduced over the life of the policy?

Decreasing term life insurance usually purchased to cover a mortgage loan for whatever the loan period is. This type of coverage is not available by most life insurance companies.

What does short term insurance cover?

It depends on what you want it to cover because it can cover your life, pets, your home, your car or many many more. so it depends what you want it to cover.

Does Prudential Life Insurance offer term life?

Prudential Life Insurance offers several different type of life insurance, including term life insurance. They offer complete term insurance or supplemental term insurance that can be added on top of any other insurance you may have.

Does all life insurance have no physical term?

No, term life insurance has a term, hence the name.