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Q: What countries need clean water?
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What do water aid do?

Water Aid is a organisation which helps people who need water in countries suffering from poverty. They provide them with wells, so they can drink clean water, and they are able to bathe in clean water.

How do countries deal with dirty water?

they make it clean or they dont use water

Who has access to clean water?

Most people in developed countries.

What are some problems you face with clean water?

people need clean water t

Why does people need fresh water in other countries?

Fresh clean water is needed by animals including people for health. If the water available is not fresh or clean it may carry organisms or txins that will be harmful. Some countries have a shortage of fresh water for various reasons. The population of the country may be too large to be supported by the natural water resource, the water may be wasted or polluted by bad practices.

Why clean water important?

if it is not clean there are parasites in it and when you ingest these they cause ailments and various diseases. this is why in poor countries with no clean drinking water more people die of disease.

Why water need to be purified?

to be clean

Why do humans need access to fresh clean water?

Without clean water the life is impossible.

Does a red eared slider need clean water to drink?

It will drink from the main body of water that it swims in. And yes, it does need clean water. That's a thing that most living creatures need.

What countries have oceans?

you need water

What do you need to make clean water?

a water filter or filter paper

Why is it good to keep a clean water supply?

First and foremost we need clean water to stay healthy, to clean and flush out toxins and to generally live. Secondly, keeping water clean allows not only humans to survive but plants and animals also thrive on clean water.