Infant mortality 2007 Top 10 infant illness Maternal mortality rate What are the 10 maternal Top 10 maternal mortality Top 10 cases of mortality Maternal mortality reasons 5 leading infa?
The mortality rate in acute cases of pulmonary melioidosis is about 10%.
the ten leading causes of mortality in the Philippines year 2008
poverty, cheating, politics, power,
i love god
Cancer, Diabetes, and other maladies like that
For stage 0 disease (5-10% of the cases), the five-year survival is 99%.
The top 10 leading causes of mortality in Iceland are almost all health related. They are in order coronary heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's, breast cancer, lung disease, suicide, colon-rectum cancer, prostate cancer, and influenza and pneumonia.
The long-term mortality rate for anorexia is estimated at around 10%
The answer is actually unknown, because there are so many cases that go unreported, untested, and undiagnosed. The official count of cases in Michigan as of 10/11/09 is 515 cases with 14 deaths which would be a mortality rate of 2.7.%. However, those are just the laboratory confirmed cases and we know many many more cases have occurred in the state.The best unofficial count of cases from various sources is 3166 actual cases with 14 deaths which would be a mortality rate of 0.4%.
Philippines leading causes of morbidity & mortality in the year 2007: DiarrheaBronchitisPneumoniaInfluenzaHypertensionTuberculosisMalariaHeart diseasesCancerAccidentsTuberculosisChronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory diseasesDiabetes and Kidney diseases.reference :
It will get hard but it can break if enough pressure applies