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Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 (HASWA)

Manual Handling Regulations 1992 (updated 2002)

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

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Q: The laws governing safety in your home country?
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What are the laws governing safety in your home country including the general responsibility for health and safety that applies to all colleagues and to employers?

In UK, the Health & Safety at Work Acts. In the USA, the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In Canada, each province has its own laws on this subject.

Which governing body covers the laws and health and safety affecting the use of IT?

There are no health and safety laws specifically for the use of IT (information Technology). There are general health and safety laws governing workplaces, and these apply to IT workplaces as well as others. These laws are usually implemented through a ministry or Department of Labor, sometimes through a Ministry or Department of Health, depending on the particular country.

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It depends on which country you mean and the laws governing that country

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No. The laws governing ownership will vary from country to country but they will not be based on disability status.

What is Home country laws?

Home country laws refer to the laws of the country of origin. This typically applies to hazardous wastes and international transport.

What do the laws governing safety in your home country including the general responsibility for health and safety that applies to all colleagues and employers mean?

Generally, the laws of health and safety mean that employers are responsible for identifying hazards, controling or eliminating them, educating their employees as to what hazards cannot be eliminated and how to protect themselves from the remaining hazards. Generally they also mean that employees are responsible for following safety procedures established by their employers, for informing their employers of previously unrecognized hazards, and for reporting injuries and illnesses that may be work related.

What options do firms have when caught in conflicts between home country and host country laws?

When firms are caught in conflicts between their home country and host country laws, they must abide by the country in which they are currently in. Morally however, they may to wish to abide by their home country laws.

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Yes, states are fully self-governing political entities with their own constitutions, elected officials, and laws within a country. Territories, on the other hand, are regions or areas that are under the authority of the governing country. Territories may have varying degrees of self-governance but ultimately are subject to the laws and regulations of the governing nation.

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