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Q: Should you keep a cut covered until healed?
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Should you keep your stitches covered?

As long as your doctor says so. In order to to avoid infection, it is advisable to keep them covered until the doctor removes them. Keep your stitches clean, and protect the wound as much as you can until healed.

What Type dressing is used on salpingo-oophorectomy?

The port holes where the instruments are inserted are stitched and then covered with a normal waterproof plaster. The stitches are usually disolvable but care should taken to keep them dry for the first few days until the incision has healed.

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To keep the mutilated area clean until it has fully healed.

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You need to keep the area as clean and DRY as possible until healed

What can you do to keep from being infected with MRSA?

# Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. # Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until healed. # Avoid contact with other people's wounds or bandages. # Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors.

You broke my arm last year did not know it was broke until now should you have surgery now?

(i never broke your arm lol), but it depends how far along your bones healed and how they did it. if they healed nice and straight, u may not need surgery, but you should consult a doctor. but chances are that your bones healed crooked and that could cause other problems, in which case your probably gonna have to get screws in your bone to keep it straight

Should food in a food storage be covered?

Refrigerated food should be covered to keep it from drying out and to keep odors from mingling in the fridge. Only if you want the food to dry out (like aging beef) should it be uncovered. Food in a pantry or cupboard should be covered to keep out dust or insects.

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No way to speed that up really. Keep it dry and disinfected and out of the sun until it's healed.

What care should a patient receive after an analanine aminotransferase test?

The patient should keep the wound from the needle puncture covered (with a bandage) until the bleeding stops. Patients should report any unusual symptoms to their physician.

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by sticking it into the freezer until it's time to take it

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Clean it with rubbing alcohol, then add some Iodine to it. Keep the cut clean until it is fully healed.

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keep chasing until your out of breath