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No, it is not legal. Any money that an employer takes from your paycheck for a benefit must be used to purchase the benefit. ERISA, a federal law, prohibits an employer from using employees' money for any other purpose.

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Q: Is it legal for my employer to make me pay into a health insurance plan even though I don't get health insurance through my employer?
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How long does it get to get health insurance?

How long does it take to get health insurance? It depends. Are you talking about health insurance that is offered through an employer? If so, some employers require their employees to satisfy a waiting period before they are allowed to enroll for benefits. Most employers don't have a waiting period though. Ask your employer's human resources department for information. And, as with any product, read your insurance brochures and don't be afraid to call their customer service department for help or if you have questions.

Can an employer force spouses off of the health insurance plan if they have a health insurance plan available to them through their job?

To my knowledge- No they cannot. It almost comes down to discrimination. If they offer insurance to one spouse then your employer shouldn't be able to turn to another person and say "sorry.. your spouse has health insurance options at her job.. denied!" You will be the one paying the premium to carry your spouse! I have honestly never heard of this happening. You should contact your corporate HR though. Hope this is helpful:) Evan

What if your employer does not carry disability insurance on you?

If you live in Nevada an employer does not have to. In fact the Nevada will defend the employer, if an employee is injured on the job and the employer does not have W/C Insurance. I've been though this.

Can you go after the auto insurance co of your employer if your involved in an auto accident in your work vehicle and it was your fault?

Yes. If it's a company car and is insured through your employer, the employer's insurance company would pay out the claim. The accident would still show up on your record though.

Can you get individual health insurance if you have a preexisting condition?

Yes, though it is hard. Also, preexisting conditions vary, as far as definition, from one company to another. While it is easier to get coverage through an employer, you are able to get it via a private company.

Can you go with your wife's health insurance even though your company offers it?

You may be able to decline your own employer-sponsored health insurance and enroll as a dependent on your wife's employer-sponsored plan instead. Contact each company's Human Resources department to confirm. However, you'll want to do a little research first to make sure that's really your best option. Many employers pay substantially more toward an employee's monthly health insurance premium than they do toward a dependent's health insurance premium. In that case, you may be able to save money by sticking with separate health insurance plans. Alternately, you may each be able to enroll as a dependent in the other's health insurance plan while both still retaining coverage through your own employers. By effectively doubling up on your coverage like this you may occasionally be able to reduce your out-of-pocket medical expenses, though you will be paying premiums for both plans. Your own employer-based plan would be your primary insurer while your wife's employer's plan would be your secondary insurer. Again, talk with your Human Resources department to learn more.

Would my employer be required to purchase travel insurance, or 'go insurance' in order for me to be covered when I travel for work?

Even though it often depends on the employer, it is usually expected that the employer provide the travel insurance for his or her employees since it relates to the work activity.

How can an employee drop the health insurance provided by the employer?

Under most circumstances you can drop coverage at open enrollment. You can check with your benefits administrator to see if there are any qualifying events that may allow you to drop earlier. Also, in some circumstances you can not drop coverage even if you want to. Here in CA if the employer's health insurance contract calls for the employer to pay 100% of the employees premium the employee can not decline coverage. Very often you will see a contract written at 99% even though the employer actually pays all of it just for that reason.

Is my husband's employer responsible for paying for the injury that occured to him on the job even though the company does not have Worker's comp?

Yes they are responsible for anything not paid by your husband's health insurance. And, in the absence of Worker's Comp, you can take them to court if they refuse to pay.

Can you become eligible for medicaid even though you already have health insurance?


How many hours must an employee work to receive health insurance in Ohio?

It varies from employer to employer, but most health plans define 30 hours per week as full-time. Thus, an employer would have to offer people who work 30 hours per week access to the plan, in order to meet the insurer's standards. Some employers offer coverage to part-timers, though part-timers may pay more of the cost.

Who qualifies for life insurance with Liberty Mutual Insurance?

Anyone under the age of 65 qualifies for Liberty Mutual life insurance. It covers everything to do with health with few exceptions.....most health issues are covered though.